Access Admin America’s secure FSA HRA & HSA Web Portal hosted by WEX Health.
Click on the appropriate login button below based on your role as
a plan PARTICIPANT, the sponsoring EMPLOYER, or the employer’s BROKER.
Our secure web portal for FSA/HRA/HSA plan participants will provide you with everything you need to know about your plan and allow you to manage your benefits. You will be able to file a claim, attach documentation to a debit card expense, view your account balance and access any notifications sent regarding your account.
Our secure web portal for employer representatives with FSA/HRA/HSA plans will provide you with a way to manage employee accounts and allow you to run reports that help with administering your benefits plan.
If you are the broker for an employer group with an FSA/HRA/HSA plan administered by us and have been granted access to the employer/client’s plan information, you will login here as an “Employer” representative.
If you would like to obtain permission to view plan and participation information please send an email to request access from Admin America.
Access Admin America’s secure COBRA web portal hosted by WEX Health
Click on the appropriate login button below if you are
a plan PARTICIPANT, the sponsoring EMPLOYER, or the employer’s BROKER.
If you are a COBRA participant, employer representative or broker click above to login to Admin America’s secure web portal. If you do not have login credentials you may email Admin America to request access. On the portal you will be able to view coverage and payment information.