Cost for COBRA Administration


Hello, what is the cost for COBRA administration for a Forsyth Co employer with approx 50 ft+pt ees with about 10 enrolled in medical, pretty please?

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Posted by Christopher "Chase" Carey
Asked on July 26, 2024 12:55 pm
Private answer

Our currently monthly minimum for COBRA administration services is $55.00.  An employer with 10 enrolled would be subject to that rate.  That fee is all inclusive except if we are issuing General Notices to all employees at the time we begin administration.  Those letters are $2.50 each.  General Notices for employees who are first covered under the plan after we take on administration are not subject to a separate fee.

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Posted by Trey Tompkins (Questions: 0, Answers: 22)
Answered on July 26, 2024 12:59 pm